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ChatGPT Teaches a 4 Year Old About the 2nd Amendment & Gun Control

I recently started a company called Raising the 2nd Firearms. This company was created after the fear of losing our rights under the 2nd amendment became all too real. I shared this in a previous blog, titled "Who We Are and Why We Are Here." If you get a chance, please check it out to have a better understanding of where we are coming from.

Alright back to the story. In the process of starting our company, I taught my 4-year-old the 2nd amendment. And yes, she can recite it, nearly word-for-word. Do you think she understands it? Nope! Hence the question she asked, "Daddy, what is the 2nd amendment?"

Well hell, how am I supposed to explain that to a kid? I have no f*cking clue!! So, I asked ChatGPT. Yep, I sure did. Here's what I asked it....

Help me explain the 2nd amendment to a 4 year old.

And here's what it said....

"The Second Amendment is like a special rule that helps protect people in our country. This rule says that grown-ups can have special tools called "firearms" to help keep themselves and others safe. Just like how a superhero has tools to protect people, grown-ups can use firearms to protect their families and friends. But remember, firearms are not toys, and only grown-ups who know how to use them safely should handle them."

Well I'll be damned, it did a great job! I started thinking, “Damn, I wish naysayers of the 2nd Amendment could see this.” Those politicians that hate it should have it explained to them just like this. Yeah yeah, but then they'd say something like, "yeah but guns kill people!" No, people kill people, but let's see how ChatGPT would respond if they did say that. So, I asked it...

What if my child responds with, “Well, don’t grown-ups hurt people with guns?”

It responded....

"That's a great question. Unfortunately, sometimes grown-ups do use guns in ways that can hurt people. It's important to understand that not everyone makes good choices with these tools. Just like other tools, like cars or knives, guns can be dangerous when not used responsibly or safely. That's why it's so important for grown-ups to learn about gun safety and how to use them properly. As you grow up, we'll teach you about making good choices and how to be responsible and safe, just like we do with other things in life."

I continued by asking...

But what if my 4 year old asks, “Then why don’t we get rid of guns so grown ups can’t hurt people with them?”

ChatGPT responded...

“That's a thoughtful question. Some people believe that getting rid of guns would make the world safer, but it's not that simple. Guns can also be helpful in protecting people from harm, just like how policemen use them to keep our communities safe. It's important that we teach grown-ups to use guns responsibly and safely, and that we have rules to make sure only the right people can have them. Just like we have rules for driving cars or using other powerful tools, we need rules for guns too. Our job is to make sure we use all tools, including guns, in the safest way possible.”

I am kind of impressed. More than impressed actually. ChatGPT, which is a company called OpenAI, is a tech company. As we've seen, most tech companies are very liberal and against the 2nd amendment. I'm shocked to say the least, maybe our politicians should use ChatGPT before they get out and talk to the public. I know I'd listen to them more if I truly felt like they knew where we were coming from.

Now, is this going to fix anything? I don't know. However, the journey to get here has taught me, and more importantly my 4-year-old, a valuable lesson... this sh*t's confusing, and even though I know what I want, sometimes I have no f*cking clue how to get there. And, it put a bigger thought in my head. What if the anti-gunners could sit down with a child and have them argue the gun advocates side, and Vice versa? Unlikely to happen, but in a perfect world, I truly believe this would help us solve issues and find very common ground.

We will continue to explore the topic, and I'll share the conversations had, experiences learned, and obstacles we run into. Stay strapped my friends!

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